This time we are going world wide.
Coming to you September 2023

The summer is over, the kids are back to school and we are proud to once again be able to host a full season of BTCC in rF2. We will have both drivers and team championship calculated and our server will allow for private skins/paintjobs as long as it does not provide errors and disconnects for clients. In that case we will reserve the right to turn off this option on the server. After reading through this announcement you should hopefully have all information you need to join and race in this league. This will be hosted as a private league and server will be passworded for all races. This password shall be kept private to prevent unregistered racers access during race events.
This will be a first come, first serve event. We do not have admin resources to run multiple championship servers and we will as such limit participation to 25 racers. If we find that the demand supersedes our expectations we will look for a solution to this.
Wonder how to join?
JOIN OUR DISCORD HERE and register your team. Keep reading here and see how to do it correctly.
Communication/Race information
We require that you are present on our Discord voice channel during the race. This is to be able to recieve information from admins as much a a social thing. We experience that most accidents and minor issues can be resolved a lot easier if you are able to speak to the racer next to you. A quick “sorry” or similar can de-escalate many situations. We prefer if you are on a PTT (Push to talk) during race session. Read the rules and regulations for complete information.
Administrative break before race 1 and after following races WILL require everyone to be present on the server. This is to add technical data such as reverse grid placing and success ballast. Should you not be present during this time then you might end up starting from the back of the grid and possibly be given a time or points penalty post race in case of missing ballast.
Season Calendar:
- Adelaide Clipsal 500 10.09.23
- Autódromo Internacional do Algarve (Portimao) 17.09.23
- Autodrom Most 24.09.23
- Castle Combe 01.10.23
- Laguna Seca 08.10.23
- Poznan 15.10.23
- Watkins Glen 22.10.23
- Brands Hatch GP 29.10.23
Race weekend setup:
A practice server will be provided with the upcoming track set. This server will be open for all.
The race server will be set on race day and set as follows:
Race Day:
Join server time:
2100 GMT/BST
Server Name:
Join Practice time:
Duration 10 minutes
Qualifying time:
Duration 15 minutes
Warmup/Administrative break:
Duration 7 minutes
Race 1: Grid as pr qualifying
Duration 25 minutes
Warmup/Administrative break:
Duration 7 minutes
Race 2: Reverse top 10 finishers from Race 1
Duration 25 minutes
Team setup
As we will introduce team racing setup there will be some regulations towards how many points each team can score pr round. We suggest that a team is made up of 2 drivers, but if you decide to race with more than 2 people in a team, ONLY the 2 best results pr race will count towards the championship.
We do require that you race in the same car model. Unless you race with personalised paintjob we suggest all team members join in default team cars. If there is not enough default team cars to choose from, select the same car as your teammate.
Provide a team name as follows:
Team name: your name here
Driver 1: your name here
Driver 2: your name here
Car model: Example Ford Focus
We kindly ask that you register your team in this format at our Discord channel “BTCC Season 2 registration”